Monday 13 February 2012

Brink of adulthood...

Been feeling pretty ill all day and yesterday; luckily I've already done all my half-term homework bar one piece (which I should really do) so I can lie about without any guilt that I should be doing something.

That brought me to my long-neglected blog; haven't written anything since the summer. To be quite honest, I haven't had time. College is great, but they do work us hard. Apparently it's about the same level of difficulty as uni, so I think I'll be able to cope with that when the time comes! And that was said by an ex-pupil who is currently studying at Oxford, so that's given me some peace of mind.

A lot has changed since my last post. As well as starting at college and beginning AS levels (English Lit, History, Sociology and Politics if anyone cares!) I've got closer with people, drifted away from certain people (with regret, I have to add) and met some lovely new people. I actually have a social life and have been to quite a few parties, and I've managed to loosen up enough to enjoy them. I worked at Lush over the Christmas period and really enjoyed it; it indicated to me that I really do have to work in a job that lets me work with people. I'm not one to adore just my own company; I start to stifle myself and I have to talk to other people to feel normal again.

During college, I've begun to think again about the future. I think 17 is such a confusing age; it's the time when we have to seriously think about what we want to do with our lives, as we'll be applying for uni/jobs/planning gap years in September time. I don't know about anyone else, but I feel too young. Inside my head, I'm still 14; I still dress like I'm 14! I can't compute the fact that two years from now I'll be into my second term at university (assuming I actually get the grades I want) Two years is simultaneously such a short and a long time. Two years ago, I was in California on a trip with the school. (My secondary school had epic trips.) I felt the same inside then as I do now; I think? My friends are largely similar to the ones I had then. But then again, I was three years away from becoming an adult. Now I'm only one year away and it seems to have come so fast.

Do I want to be a lawyer? Do I want to apply for Oxford? I just don't know. The law lecture I went to on Saturday was fascinating, and I do think I would be interested in the study of law as an academic subject. But what do I want to do with it? It's just so difficult to become a barrister, and though I have lots of ambition and enthusiasm, I don't think I can be as good as they would want a barrister to be. I don't want to give up; but I don't know how I'm going to get there.

It'll happen, somehow. I know I can do what I put my mind to. I just have to believe that.

Saturday 16 July 2011

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt 2 Review

First, a disclaimer. This review is not biased, despite me being a huge Harry Potter fan (read the first four at the age of six, bought the other books on the day they came out and read them on that same day, read every book at least ten times) as the film was just incredible. Also, avoid this review if you haven't seen the film yet, as there are spoilers.

The film starts with a short recap of the previous film, then jumps into some establishing discussions between the trio and the prisoners from Malfoy Manor at Shell Cottage (which is such a beautiful setting, with loads of little touches like tiny decorative shells on the walls.)

The difference between this film and those preceding it is that the shots are far more lingering; the film is based on a mere 200 or 300 pages of Deathly Hallows, and Yates' executive decision to allow the scenes to breathe is a great one. It's truly Harry's last hurrah.

We also hear a lot from characters that haven't been featured for a while; namely, McGonagall, Neville and Luna; all of whom are pretty kickass in this film, and got quite a few laughs from the audience. Aberforth Dumbledore is also memorable, and the scene added where he produces his Patronus at the battle is a welcome addition.

However, there were a few parts of the movie that I don't think benefited by adding humour. One example was when Voldemort hugs Draco as he rejoins their ranks; I did find it amusing (along with the rest of the cinema) but I found it killed the mood a little- after all, Harry was supposed to be dead at this point. Another moment was Harry throwing himself at Voldemort along with the immortally cheesy line; I think at one point their faces merge (?!) It was a really bizarre scene, and I personally think it wasn't needed. However, the touch of humour with Neville at the entrance of the bridge was really well done; the cinema roared, and it did lighten the mood somewhat in such a dark film.

One of my favourite things about the film was the sense of urgency; the quick shots of Harry fighting his way through the crowd interjected with Ron and Hermione in the Chamber of Secrets made a really convincing effect. Ron and Hermione's kiss wasn't a letdown, as other reviews have made out; I think it was the perfect culmination after all those years of sexual tension!

The Prince's Tale was just so well done; I was sobbing unashamedly at several points! The only thing that annoyed me slightly was Petunia calling Lily a freak at the playground and the omission of her letter to Dumbledore; I think that information was really important to make her a more rounded character.

However, another negative was the way most of the deaths were done. Lupin and Tonks' deaths in the book was a bit of a letdown; but I would have liked to have seen the filmmakers do something more interesting in the film. Likewise, Fred's death did not have enough emotional impact; I was really disappointed about that, as he was one of my favourite characters. However, Snape's death was definitely emotional, and the change from the Shrieking Shack to the boathouse was a good choice cinematically.

Overall, I adored the film! I'm seeing it for the second time in a couple of weeks with my family, and I already can't wait. Thank you, Harry Potter, for being my childhood.

Wednesday 15 June 2011

The Future.

This was a draft post I never finished. Thought I may as well publish it!

Finishing the last of my major exams, (well, I still have two German exams, but let's forget about them. I'm not incredibly gifted at languages)has made me think about the future. I'm aiming for a really academic sixth form next year; fingers crossed I can take up my place next year (need the grades first!) But after that? No idea. I do know that I want to go to university and study something that isn't science or maths; those doors are closed, anyway. But I have no idea of where I want to do with the degree (which will now cost me at least £27,000 for a full course, btw.)

I shouldn't really be worrying about this now. I'm 16 and should be out enjoying myself instead of living in the future. But I just feel that I should know what I want; if I do, I can try my best to get it. It seems that all the greatest people started young, and had loads of experience; I want to be one of those people! Ever since I was born I've been ambitious; I remember being absolutely convinced at the age of ten that I could sell the novel I'd just written (150 A4 pages) to a publisher. I bought magazines about writing with my own money, downloaded podcasts that advised me on how best to plot and track character development, and formatted my 'novel' correctly for a publishing house (double spaced, page numbers, footnotes, indexes) on the family computer. Of course, I never actually sent it off, but I remember wanting so badly to be the youngest author ever published.

And now, I really want to have that dream job. One where I love every minute; but I don't know what yet. I'm liking the idea of working in the media at the moment.

Monday 13 June 2011

Shiny new blog...

Hi! I'm Lily! :)

So. I have a new blog. A shiny, spanking new one. (ha. Spanking.) The title isn't brilliant, but I just had the urge to write something and the title and web address was just something getting in the way of this white box just ready to be filled up with words. (Deep, yes?)

So. The reason I have decided to create this fourth blog (one of the others was a personal recipe blog so I could save things to make later; needless to say, I only made one dish on the list) was so I could have a nice little outlet to say what I need to say, and write what I need to write.

This post may not be entirely coherent (or at all coherent) as I am writing this at 11:26pm the night before I really need to blitz my Biology revision tomorrow. I am running on excitement for writing for once in an extremely long time, and also awoken by disgust at my convoluted sentences. Yes. Shut up now, Lily.

Oh God (if I believed in you), I've now moved into using the third person to address myself. It's the influence of my multiple personalities (my friends in the 'blogosphere', Raina and Zoƫ, will know exactly what I'm talking about.)

ANYWAY. So many things to write about, no word limit except the one I should impose on myself for the good of the common man/woman/child, this may go on for a long time! I need structure or I'll never stop. I've learnt this from having to ask for two booklets of extra paper in exams, and by writing double the word limit in English essays (which I then have to indiscriminately edit, which makes me sad.) The skill of writing concisely has always been slightly lost on me...

So. From this opening post, I understand if you run far away and never want to read anything I write ever again. It will be long-winded and slightly jumpy because that's generally how my brain is. I have brief obsessions, and then I move on. However, there's no time for interests or obsessions in exam season. Oh no. Never. Never ever ever.

On the bright side, three exams left! Then prom! Then after prom! Then the longest summer known to man! (apart from uni summers, of course.) YES.